[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Where is Buczewie/Budzewiec? - Neumann Research

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Fri Aug 31 06:04:02 PDT 2007


Bilczew as suggested by others is worth consideration.  There is also 
Budzislaw a little further SE towards Kolo.

Usually when no district information is added to a village name of 
birth, the implication is that it is in the same district as the 
marriage or death.  However, I wonder if that is always the 
case.  There is, for example, a Budziejewo a little further west in 
Posen close to Wongrowiec.


At 08:35 PM 30/08/2007, Ron Neuman wrote:
>I have been away for two days, and based on Jerry's recent email, I
>realize that my message was one that "lost the text".
>Let's try again - here is the text that I sent with the original
>message. Hopefully it will make more sense now.
>I have copies of the death records for a father and son (Johann
>Neumann and Andreas Neumann) who are my ancestors.  The death record
>for the father, Johann Neumann, is from the Lubstow Catholic Church
>records (about 5 km south of Sompolno).  The death record for the
>son, Andreas Neumann, is from the the Sompolno Lutheran Church records.
>Copies of my translations of the records are shown below, and Jerry
>Frank has looked at the originals and agreed that I have generally
>translated them correctly.
>My question pertains to the place of birth that is listed in both of
>the death records - it is spelled Buczewie in Johann's death record,
>and Budzewiec in Andreas's death record.  I suspect strongly that it
>would be the same village.  Can anyone help me with the location of
>this village?
>Johann Neumann - DEATH:  Catholic Church records for Lubstow, Poland;
>Microfilm #0,746,759; LDS; Death records for 1819; "Year one thousand
>eight hundred nineteen on the 16th day of March in front of the
>parish priest of Lubstow in his duty as civil registrar in the
>village of Lubstow, district of Pyzdrskiego, in the province of
>Kalisch, came Andreas Nowak, colonist, son of the deceased, age 50
>years, and Michael Hermann, also a colonist, age 36 years, both
>living in Wierzelin, and declared to us, a death on the 14th day of
>March of the current year, at the hour of 12:00 noon, there died in
>the house of his son; Jan Nowak, age 82 years, born in
>Buczewie.  This document of death was read to those present and then signed."
>Andreas Neumann - DEATH:  Lutheran Evang. Church Records for
>Sompolno, Poland; 1849-1854; Microfilm Number 0,758,348; Death record
>#188 for 1849; "It happened in Sompolno on the 7th/19th of September
>in the year 1849 at the hour of seven in the evening.  There
>presented themselves Gottfryd Neumann, farmer age 28 years, and
>Krystof Schmidt, farmer age 55 years, both living in Wierzelin, and
>they testified that on yesterday that at the hour of 4:00 in the
>morning, in Wierzelin, Andreas Neumann died, widower and tenant
>farmer in Wierzelin, age 67 years, born in Budziewic, son of Jan and
>Krystyny Neumann. There was ascertainment by eyewitness concerning
>the death of Andreas Neumann. This entry was read to those present of
>whom the first was a son of the deceased and the second a    ?    of
>the deceased."  The age of 67 years at the time of death would place
>his year of birth as about 1782.
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Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca  

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