[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Why Did They Leave?

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Tue Apr 22 19:59:19 PDT 2008

I just wanted to add a comment regarding the veracity of family 
lore.  I don't think that we should rely on family lore for historic 
accuracy.  It may contain components of accuracy but the sum total 
may be wrong.

For example, in Darrel's quote, the writer says that her ancestor's 
99 year lease had run out.  If that is true, then the lease would 
have been contracted in about 1802 or so.  There are two problems 
with that.  First, there were virtually no Germans in Volhynia in 
1802 to enter into such a contract.  While some farmers started 
trickling in around 1816, there were still none of consequence until 
the 1830s and the vast majority did not begin to arrive until after 
1860.  Secondly, the emancipation of serfs did not happen in this 
region until the 1860s.  So, such lease contracts probably did not 
begin until around that time.

The way in which the Russians changed laws in the latter half of the 
19th century was a complex process that changed over time.  The 
impact on the Germans was clearly very negative but precisely how 
each of our different ancestors reacted in their decision to migrate 
to North and South America may have to remain a mystery.

I say all this not to react harshly to the original author's words, 
but rather to simply point out the caution is needed in dealing with 
family lore.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca

At 09:01 AM 22/04/2008, Darrel Goth wrote:

>Hi Darrel,
>I know the subject of land laws is very complex.  Summarizing it, as 
>I did, with the words  ".....continually changed land laws, 
>especially in the province of Volhynia. These laws, in various ways, 
>attempted to limit the purchase of property by German-Russians." is 
>probably too brief, but covers a lot of ground.  Thanks for taking 
>the time to write and share this information with others on the list.
>Yours truly,
>Jack Milner
>Darrel Goth wrote:
>>Jack because of the conditions you stated you can also add this to 
>>"Why Did They Leave."
>>after 1906, when the Peasant Land Bank took possession of many 
>>properties that German colonists had been leasing. To make these 
>>lands available for purchase by Russian peasants, the colonists 
>>were forced to leave when their lease ran out.
>> From Peitsch family History:
>>Mr. Ludwig Peitsch immigrated to Canada from Wolynian, Russia with 
>>his wife, Ernestina and with his two little girls: Mathilda and 
>>Florentine, and his mother (Maria) in the year 1901.
>>The farm they operated in Russia was leased from the government on 
>>a 99 year lease, and was managed by his father and grandfather. The 
>>lease had become due, so they decided to sell what they owned and 
>>immigrated to Canada, as many others did.
>>When they arrived in Winnipeg, Manitoba, they had $800.00 on which 
>>they lived for a little
>>while in Winnipeg. They then came to the Green Bay district and 
>>bought 100 acres of land, and later 60 acres more, by the 
>>Brokenhead River, where they lived and raised a family until the 
>>Lord called Ludwig unto himself in 1940. His son, Arthur and wife, 
>>Milly now reside on the home place.
>>With all the hardships that confronted them they were happy to live 
>>under the leadership of a great Monarch, Queen Victoria. Thanks be 
>>unto God for a great country - the Dominion of Canada. We hope and 
>>pray it will remain as it is.
>>by Mrs. Adolph Rattai (nee Magdalena Peitsch)
>>Darrel Goth

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