[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] CYL and CYLC

Günther Böhm GHBoehm at ish.de
Mon Jan 12 00:08:02 PST 2009

Earl.Schultz schrieb:
> In the Michalki-Rypin Ev. parish the names CYL and CYLC appear frequently,
> 1810 to 1865.  I have seen one or two times when the names were
> interchangeable but this seems like the exception.  Can someone tell me for
> sure whether these are two different names and what their German/English
> equivalents would be.  I've seen CYL = Ziel and maybe Zielke would come from
> that.  
> Thanks,
> Earl

Hello Earl,
at least CYLC seems to derive from the town of Zülz [Biała], Landkreis 
Neustadt [Prudnik], Upper Silesia.


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