[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] New Location Guidelines and New Gazetteers

Gary Warner garyw555 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 18:15:29 PDT 2012

Revised Location Guidelines and New Gazetteers Now Available

For both SGGEE members and also for non-members alike, we wish to advise 
that the following are now posted on our website:

1.Location guidelines- the guide has been significantly revised to make 
it clearer and simpler to use.The Empire designation, which was 
previously used to signify areas of Poland and Volhynia where German 
language records would most likely be found has now been revised to show 
only the present-day country.The significance of the Empire areas is 
still discussed, but the influence of the Empire areas is now limited in 
the location name to the first mentioned village name, followed by the 
village name now used in each country.See 

2.Location guidelines appendix- this continues to be an excellent tool 
to implementing the location guidelines.See
http://sggee.org/research/location guidelinesappendix.pdf 

3.Gazetteersare now available for:

Congress Poland- 5544 villages and towns


German Empire- 3301 villages and towns 

Russian Empire- 1106 villages and towns


Austrian Empire- 188 villages and towns 

Galicia- 569 villages and towns


Volhynia- 2183 villages and towns


Gary Warner
SGGEE Databases Manager

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