[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Fw: Nature of Document

Sigrid Pohl Perry perry1121 at aol.com
Sat Jul 27 12:24:27 PDT 2013


My parents' families lived in Lublin parish from about 1860-1940. They, 
too, were resettled to the Warthegau region, men served in the German 
army, and the families fled the Russians in 1945. We immigrated to the 
US in 1952 from the Hamburg area. Sometime in the 1960s my cousin, who 
taught high school German in a nearby town, helped my father apply for 
this kind of compensation for land lost in Poland. He and my uncle both 
received settlements of the kind you describe. I'm not sure I have the 
documents; I was only in high school or away at college at the time.

Sigrid Pohl Perry

On 7/27/2013 2:11 PM, Don Miller wrote:
> List, I have in my possession a document relating to my family in Korsysc, Volhynia.  It originally came from one of the persons listed on the document.  The document appears, from the description of my friend george shoning, to be related to some kind of attempt to get payment of lost land.  My Mueller referred to in the document lived in Korsysc from ca 1930 to 1940, when he was resettled to the Warthegau.  Could this document have been in response to his attempt to get reimbursement for the land he lost at that time?  Does anyone know about this kind of thing?  (Sorry, I can't attach the actual document, but perhaps you can get a fairly good idea of the nature of the document from George's translation below).
> Don Miller
> From: George Shoning
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 7:53 AM
> To: Don Miller
> Subject: Re: Source
> Hi Don,
> The document appears to be an attachment to a transcript of May 16, 1963 (Anlage der Niederschrift vom 16. May 1963).  Its title is "List of Calculation of Damages (or Losses) of Agriculatural Operations".  The location is the "Homeland Information Office Poland II at the National Equalization (or Compensation) Office of Lower Saxony".
> I am not sure what the numbers or some of the terms really mean.  There is the abbreviation of "RM" whose meaning I cannot determine (I would guess Reichsmark, except that this currency did not exist any more in 1963).  There is the calculation "55860/42 = 1330 RM" where 55860 is a sum and 42 is a business operation (farm most likely), but I cannot determine what the 1330 is supposed to be.  It mentions "Community Hectare Sets", like property chunks; for example a property chunk of 1320 hectares.
> I apologize that I cannot really decipher the document.  I can translate the words, but their meaning is unknown to me.
> Hope all is well.
> George
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "Don Miller"<dnmiller at whiz.to>
> To: "Geo Shoning"<shoning at q.com>
> Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2013 9:27:27 PM
> Subject: Source
> George, attached is a record of one of my families.  Can you tell me where it might have come from?  Archives?  it looks like a list of church members in the village of Korsyse, but from where?  I got it years ago from a hildebrandt in wnp., who is now dead,  thanks for your on-going help.
> don
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