[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Kaschube; Was Re: Schmidt family from Sompolno region

Reiner Kerp mail at reiner-kerp.de
Thu Oct 31 06:13:38 PDT 2013

Am 31.10.2013 03:57, schrieb Jerry Frank:


> I noted your reference to Kaschube and thought I should clarify that this is neither a surname or a place name.  Kaschube is a somewhat derogatory reference to Germans with origins typically in eastern Pomerania or western West Prussia.  The Kaschube (like the Prus) were originally a Slavic tribe closely associated with the Poles yet with a unique culture and language or dialect.  They have in essence disappeared though I think there are efforts to try to save the language.
> Germans who lived in this Kaschuban region were tagged with that name, in part, I think, because of the German dialect they used.  They were considered to be of a lower class by Schwabians and other "high German" speaking Germans.

In my Sompolno database:


are quite a lot of KASCHUBE-Families.


Mit schönen Grüßen aus Landsberg am Lech,

Reiner (Kerp)

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