[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Re: Plock/Lipno region-Teodorowo,Romunkie,Czarne? (Ednadill at aol.com)

Uwe Kerntopf uwe at kerntopf.com
Mon Dec 23 09:34:51 PST 2002

Dear Erik,

ger-poland-volhynia-request at eclipse.sggee.org schrieb:
> starting point in the Plock/Lipno regions.  Villiage names of
> Teodorowo,Romunkie and Czarne have been found on manifest documents for known

Czarne and Teodorowo were located in county Lipno. With Rumunki they often
named new settlements, which have to "cleared" first from trees, bushes,
... I do not know the exact english word, Rumunki is in german "Rdumung".

So there are for example villages called "Czarne-rumunki", "Rumunki nowe",
"Tupaldy rumunki" and so on in county Lipno.

I'm sorry, but your family name DILL I have never recognized during my own

Happy Xmas

- Uwe Kerntopf, Kvln mailto:uwe at kerntopf.com http://www.kerntopf.com -
-      Pommern + Westpreu_en unter http://pom-wpru.kerntopf.com      -
-      Dobriner Land (Polen) unter http://www.dobriner-land.de       -
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