[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] FW: RE: translation of Marriage Cert.

gpvjem gpvjem at sasktel.net
Fri Aug 29 09:57:08 PDT 2003

    There is additional information on your Wappler family in SGGEE's Pedigree Database.  As a member of SGGEE you would have unlimited access to this database on the SGGEE website, as well as numerous other research aids.
    You are encouraged to consider membership if at all possible.  Membership details can be found at www.sggee.org .  Click on Membership.  I will gladly provide assistance and answer any questions you may have regarding membership.

John Marsch
SGGEE Memberships
From: Erika Wilder 
  To: ger-poland-volhynia at eclipse.sggee.org 
  Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 6:34 PM

  Richard Stein was kind enough to  translate my grandparent's marriage certificate.  I am sharing it with all of you to read.

  Erika Wilder

  From: "Richard Stein" <stein at enel.ucalgary.ca>
  Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 10:52 PM
  To: "Erika Wilder" <erikawilder43 at myfamily.com>

  Hi Erika,

  This isn't perfect, but I think I have most of it right.  Some words hard to
  read on the folds - would be easier to decipher from the original.

  Parish Ewangelical Augsburskiej (means Evangelical Lutheran) at Rozyszcze
  (in Volhynia) in 1896, Registration #44
  Groom:  Adolf Wapler, living in Marjanow or Marjanowka (can't decipher
  second word), county of Lucheigo?, parents Emil Wapler and his wife Juliane
  born Morach, groom was bachelor, age 21 or 24 (probably 24), born at
  Genowefa, province Kalish
  Bride:  Auguste Schiller, living same place, parents Friedrich Schiller and
  his wife Dorothea Eiwert, spinster, age 23, born (can't decipher village
  name), province Kalish
  Banns were read on 14, 21, and 28 of January,
  Marriage on 5 February 1896 by Pastor Hesse
  Witnesses Alexander Schiller and Filip Eisenberger

  Most probably the marriage was performed at the parish church in Rozyszcze.
  I am not sure of the location of Marjanow/Marjanowka - there is one located
  about 8 km north of Rozyszcze.

  Hope this helps.


  From: Erika Wilder [mailto:erikawilder43 at myfamily.com]
  Sent: August 28, 2003 4:11 PM
  To: stein at enel.ucalgary.ca

  Thank you for your response and offer of help.  Yes it is in Polish.

  Here it is.


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