[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Ort MOSEEVKA

Jerry Frank jkfrank at shaw.ca
Tue May 6 10:48:11 PDT 2003

Jens has found the village of Moseevka listed as a place of residence for 
one of his Pennau ancestors and wants to know if it might be Mosevka, 121.8 
km east south east of Kiew.

Assuming that this location should be in Volhynia, then the location you 
describe is not possible as Volhynia is west, not east of Kiew.

There are 2 possible villages in Volhynia that seem to fit and both are 
known to have had German residents.  Both are named Moisejewka.  One is 
located about 18 km NNE of Nowograd Wolhynsk (Zwiahel).  Go to 
http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/EART/soviet_maps.html , click on Ukraine, then 
Zitomir, and then #44.  Go to vertical line 48 and horizontal line 
24.  Moisejewka is just below and to the right (looks something like 
MoNceeBka - where the N is backwards).

The other is about 22 km WNW of Zhitomir.  Go to map #57.  Go to vertical 
line 98 and horizontal line 80.  Just above is Moisejewka (this time with 
slightly different spelling MycNeBka - where the N is backwards).

At 06:18 PM 06/05/2003 +0200, Jens Kobusz wrote:
>Als Geburtsort einiger Pennau`s im Shitomirer Gebiet haben wir "MOSEEVKA"
>gefunden. Kvnnte es sich dabei um den Ort handeln: MOSEVKA/Ukraine: 121.8
>Kilometer OSO von Kiew?
>Mit freundlichen Gr|_en
>Jens Kobu_

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
jkfrank at shaw.ca 

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