[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] new database and city map

Gary Warner gary at warnerengineering.com
Fri Jan 23 09:05:23 PST 2004


The list is great, but how do we see more than just the name on the
list?  Do we have to write the Historical Department of the
Osteuropa-Institut, Munich for each entry of interest?  Can we do so in

Gary Warner
Gig Harbor, Washington, USA

At 11:37 PM 1/21/2004, =?ISO-8859-3?Q?G=FCnther_B=F6hm?= wrote:

  Hello list members,
  recently, I found a large database of more than 100.000 Persons
  emigrated to the pre-revolutionary Russia and their descendants. It
  covers the population of Sankt Petersburg, Moscow and some other
  greater cities (no Volhynian villagers) but might anyway be of
  interest for some of our members. It ist the Amburger-Archiv of the
  "Osteuropa-Institut", Munich University,
  www.lrz-muenchen.de/~oeihist/amburger.htm . I found lots of relatives
  and their friends who lived in Sankt Petersburg in the early 19th
  century. The mere list of persons and their code numbers is in
  German, English and Russian, to be found at
  www.lrz-muenchen.de/~oeihist/abfrag~1.htm .

  Secondly, there is a new (?) and amazing detailed Russian atlas of
  city maps (I tested Moscow and Sankt Petersburg) which provides every
  house number and even the real building outlines at
  http://mirkart.ru/ .

  Guenther Boehm
  of Hilden, Germany

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