[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Re: [G-P-V] Tchechei; place-names

Guenther Boehm GHBoehm at ish.de
Tue Nov 23 01:53:00 PST 2004

  AlbertMuth at aol.com schrieb:

>But it does not answer your question about the point of origin of many German
>colonists in the parishes of Wladyslawow, Turek, Aleksandrow, Zgierz,
>Konstantynow, Pabianice, just to name some that I have looked at where the
>region of origin is X village w Czechach. I believe I have also seen the nominative
>case spelling Czechia.  Note that I am referring to information given in
>marriage records of the 1840's and 1850's.
(I send this mail to your private address to make sure that the Czech 
diacritics are correctly displayed and I apologize for the still 
incorrect display through the listserv.) Yes, but it refers to a Czech 
translation or original whereas the locations listed below were merely 
German inhabited at that time.

Of course the Czech population used the words "D
eskC=" (as in DeskC= Brod 
- BC6hmisch Brod) for Bohemian respectively Dechy [v Dechach] for Bohemia 
[in Bohemia]. The oppositional Czech national movement of the 
echy" - "Jungtschechen" used the words "DeskC! zemD" for "Bohemian 
homeland". But John asked for the German item "Tschechei". Officially, 
the Czech word for Bohemia was "Behem" (for "Bohemian" - "bohemskC=") 
since it referred to the state and all of its inhabitants instead of the 
mere Czech ethnia. So "v Dechach" just ment the Czech part of Bohemia.

>Now, I just happen to have a project on the back burner.  I am neither a map guru, nor an expert in political administrative changes.  BUT, I *do* have a list of villages of origin that are associated with Czechia, one that I created as I noticed the high numbers of individuals from this area.  I would like to know where the villages are so that I can work on verifying them in the appropriate genealogical gazetteers.  They are:
>Bennsdorf              - Bernsdorf (Bernartice) village near Trautenau (Trutnov)
>Bertzdorf (Friedland)  - Berzdorf (Karlov pod JeE!tDdem), now part of Reichenberg (Liberec)
>Birkstein              - BC<rgstein (Sloup v DechC!ch) near Haida (NovC= Bor)
>Braunau                - this is the town of my BCHM ancestors (Broumov)
>Budweis                - (DeskC) BudDjovice), city in Moravia
>Friedland              - (Frydlant), a town in the utmost north of Bohemia
>Fulnak (Moravia)       - Fulnek (Fulnek), a town, district of Neutitschein (NovC= JC-D
>Gablenz                - Gablonz (Jablonec), a town near Reichenberg (Liberec)
>Gross-bokken           - sorry, no location found
>Grosswehl              - sorry, no location found
>G|nterdorff            - GC<ntersdorf (HuntC-Eov), district of Tetschen (DDD
>Heinersdorf (Friedland)- Heinersdorf an der Tafelfichte (JindEichovice pod Smrkem),
>                         District of Friedland
>Hoefke                 - sorry, no location found
>Karolinsthal           - Karolinenthal (KarlC-n), Part of Prague
>Kvniggratz             - KC6niggrC$tz (Hradec KrC!lovC)), town and district capital
>Kvnigshof              - KC6niginhof (DvE/r KralovC) nad Labem) town near Trautenau
>Kratzau                - (Chrastava), town near Reichenberg
>Kreubitzerneudorf      - Kreibitz? (ChEibskC!), village, dist. Tetschen (?)
>Lervin                 - Lewin (LevC-n), village, dist. Leitmeritz (LitomDEice)
>Markersdorf            - (Markvartice), two villages near BC6hmisch Kamnitz or near Reichenberg
>Morgenstern            - Morchenstern (SmEovka), dist. Gablonz
>Neustadt               - probably Neustadt an der Tafelfichte (Nove Mesto pod Smrkem),
>                         dist. Friedland
>Noschwitz (Weinstatek) - sorry, no location found
>Pladlebitz             - sorry, no location found
>Quelisch               - Qualisch (ChvaleD
), near Trautenau
>Reichenau              - (Rychnov nad Nisou), town, dist. Gablonz
>Reichenberg            - (Liberec), district capital, my birthplace
>Rumburg                - (Rumburk), town and district capital
>Schwabs                - Schwabitz (SvC)boEice), near Niemes, dist. BC6hmisch Leipa
>Warnodorf              - Warnsdorf (Varnsdorf), town near Rumburg
>Wartenburg             - (StraE> pod Ralskem), town, dist. BC6hmisch Leipa
>Weiksdorf              - Weckersdorf (KEnice), dist. Braunau
>Wetzwalde              - (Vaclavice), dist. Reichenberg
>Wolfsberg              - (Horni Jindrichov ?), dist. Rumburg
>Wuenschendorf (Friedland)(SrbskC!), near Neustadt an der Tafelfichte
>Zwickau                - (Cvikov), town, dist. Deutsch Gabel (JablonnC) v PodjeE!tDdi)

hope it is helpful.

of Hilden, Germany

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