[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] DOMRES (DOMROESE)

Perry1121 at aol.com Perry1121 at aol.com
Fri Oct 14 20:02:31 PDT 2005


My grandfather, Gottfried Domres, remained in the Lublin, Poland area near 
Volhynia until 1940, later emigrating to Canada. I have been researching any 
Domres families with roots in Russian Poland and Volhynia on either side of the 
Bug River. I have contacts with Domres descendents in Germany, Canada, and 
several states in the U.S. who all lived in that area. I will be happy to share 
with you what I have discovered. I don't yet know very much about the North 
Dakota branch, however.

Sigrid Pohl Perry
(perry1121 at aol.com)

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