[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] George Maser

Don Miller dnmiller at whiz.to
Sat Jul 15 23:11:21 PDT 2006

I will always be indebted to George Maser.  If it had not been for him, I might never have gotten started leading genealogical tours to Volhynia.  He gave me my impetus.  Our first tour together was in May 1993.  We had 26 people on that tour.  It was a bit scary and more than a little risky.  To our knowledge no one had ever done that before.   But I soon discovered that my fears were unfounded.  Two things impressed me about George and made the tour a sheer delight and true adventure.  First, he had good maps.  I still use them today.  And second he knew where the villages were.  Almost always when a discussion arose as to which road to take to a village George was right.  He had been there before -- on his own -- and he knew where the roads were.  It is not always a single act that is significant, but what is set in motion that counts.  It was George who set the Volhynian Village Adventure Tours in motion and I am deeply indebted to him for his pioneering spirit.

Don Miller 

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