[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Re "Theory of Relativity"

Günther Böhm GHBoehm at ish.de
Sun Oct 5 14:41:03 PDT 2008

Marcia Oliveira schrieb:

> I'm looking for Radis or Radisch surname. Have you seen
> any name like August Radis in your researches in
> Wuerttemberg? Any help will be appreciate.
Hello Marcia,
RADISCH isn't a German but a Czech or Slovenian name. It originates in 
one of the various eponymous towns and villages in Bohemia, Styria or 

In Bohemia:

    Radisch = Hradiště
    Langenradisch = Dlouhé Hradiště
    Scheibenradisch = Okrouhlé Hradiště
    Ungarisch Hradisch = Uherské Hradiště

Hradiště = Burgstätte = ruinous castle
hrad = Burg, Pfalz = castle, palace

Even the name of the Northern Italian town of Gradisca, Friuli [old 
German: Gradis am Sontig, 10 km from the Slovenian border] comes from 
the same origin.

from Hilden, Germany

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