[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Re "Theory of Relativity"

Günther Böhm GHBoehm at ish.de
Sun Oct 5 15:18:12 PDT 2008

Günther Böhm schrieb:
> RADISCH isn't a German but a Czech or Slovenian name. It originates in 
> one of the various eponymous towns and villages in Bohemia, Styria or 
> Slovenia.
> In Bohemia:
>     Radisch = Hradiště
>     Langenradisch = Dlouhé Hradiště
>     Scheibenradisch = Okrouhlé Hradiště
>     Ungarisch Hradisch = Uherské Hradiště
> Hradiště = Burgstätte = ruinous castle
> hrad = Burg, Pfalz = castle, palace
forgot something:
The Slavian name origin of the location doesn't mean that its inhabitant 
to whom the name was imposed was likewise of Slavian origin. To the 
contrary the German abrasion and spelling ['ště' -> 'sch' which is 
German, not Slavian] indicats that he was German.


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