[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Schindel/Schendel - Ljuschitza-Radom

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Fri Sep 5 19:08:44 PDT 2008


I have found one possible match which would have been within Radom 
province at the time - Luszyce, which, given the tz sound for c in 
Polish would be a very close match in pronunciation to what you 
have.  It is, however, about as far away from the town of Radom as 
you can get while still staying in the province.

Use that spelling with 
http://www.jewishgen.org/Communities/LocTown.asp to find it on a map, 
just north of the Wisla River and east of Polaniec some 125 miles or 
so south of Warsaw.

Now the trick will be to figure out in which parish you will find 
records.  My best guess would be Kielce for Lutheran records.  Even 
that is quite far away so you may want to check nearby Catholic 
records as they may have registered there.

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca

At 03:01 PM 05/09/2008, Nks883 at aol.com wrote:
>On the SGGEE site, the "List of Separated German Refugee Families in  Russia,
>etc" extracted by Richard Benert has given me a great clue in tracking  my
>Schindel/Schendel ancestors.
>There is a reference to the area of "Ljuschitza - Radom", but I am unable  to
>find any other reference to Ljuschitza.  Is there another spelling of  the
>village/town?  When ancestor Gottfried Schindel had his WWI 
>Draft  Registration
>filled out for him in the U.S., his place of birth sounded like,  but was not
>written as Ljuschitza.  His father was Ludwig Schindel born in  the 
>mid 1850's
>and immigrated to Michigan in 1904 with his family.  Can  someone help me out
>with that village name?  Thank you.
>Nadine Erdman Saiki

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