Dave Neumann denuma at rogers.com
Mon May 11 12:55:49 PDT 2009


My father, Emil NEUMANN, and his bride Adolina, sailed on the ship, Empress
of Australia, departing Southampton, England for Quebec City, on May 11,
1929, 80 years ago today. Emil and Adolina had gone to Volhynia in March
(from south Ukraine - Zaporozhia) to complete their exit paperwork before
leaving by train from Korosten to Moscow, then from Moscow to Riga, Latvia,
where they sailed on the S. S. Baltriger to London England, with a brief
stop in Danzig along the way to pick up passengers. After a stay in the
Atlantic Park Hostel, near Southampton, they finally set off on this
trans-Atlantic Voyage. They landed at Quebec City, officially accepted as
landed immigrants on May 19th, and then set off for Saskatchewan by CPR
train, arriving in southern Saskatchewan around May 24-26.


I used the Library and Archives Canada site to check out what other
passengers on this ship were Germans from Russia, and I found three families
(ages in parenthesis):

DOBERMAN: Joseph (35) and Martha (38) and children, Reinhold (14), Robert
(12), Valentina (5) and Nina (2)

KLEBE: Ernst (49) and Anna (47) and children Jonathan (20), David (11),
Attilise (17), Aduna (16), and Johann (6)

SCHLAK: Friedrich (44) and Martha (51), and Vanada (15)


I am posting this message to see if any of these three families have
information about this journey on the Empress of Australia. I would be
interested in comparing notes and sharing srories.



David Neumann

Phone: 519-759-7885



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