[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Linke / Frantz / Krueger

Gary Warner gary at warnerengineering.com
Wed Jun 2 11:55:14 PDT 2010


We have a number of records linked to Korzeniew, and of those records 
there are some Linke and Franz records (there is actually a Johann 
Friedrich Linke (born Lichenek) married to an Eva Franz (of Korzeniew) 
sometime before 1826, and they have Johann Ludwig (1826), Johann Martin 
(1835, and Johann Friedrich (1840))  .   It does not appear that we have 
the exact records you seek, but rather relatives of those you seek.   I 
cannot say for sure if we can help you, but you might consider joining 
SGGEE for a year and submit your data so we can determine if we have any 
records related to you or not.

Gary Warner
SGGEE Databases Manager

On 6/2/2010 10:07 AM, Chris Linke wrote:
> Hi,
> It's my first post here and I hope that some of you can help me with further information.
> I'm searching for data to the following persons:
> Matthäus Frantz
> * 1777 Runowo b. Kornik
> + 01.09.1855 Korzeniew b. Mycielin
> Anna Christina Krueger
> * 1782 Daszewice (Daschewitz) b. Mosina
> + before 1808 Gora (Goren) b. Jaraczewo
> Jan/Johann Linke
> * ~1763
> + 30.12.1835 in Korzeniew b. Mycielin
> If anyone has some informations or further hints, please let me know.
> Regards,
> Christian

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