[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Great Link to West Prussian / Volhynian Roots

Christopher Menke chrismenke at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 2 09:12:10 PDT 2012

I am providing this link which can be extremely valuable for genealogy researchers for Germans with roots in West Prussia, and tracing the movement of West Prussians from there to Volhynia. 
The first link here (same web site) is the surname list from mainly the Graudenz / Bukowitz region of West Prussia. There are about 12,000 names. 
The second link is very interesting, I did a place search and typed in Wolhynien. This shows Germans who left that region for Volhynia, or some who returned to West Prussia from Volhynia. It even carries many names to after WWII so you can see where people left the east and resettled. I found relatives who are in the Odessa3 website in Volhynia and now know their origin prior to Volhynia (296 Manke names in this database). 
   Chris Menke



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