[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] EWZ records

Kenneth Browne kbrowne01518 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 13:41:09 PDT 2014

I made a DC trip a couple of years back and if my memory serves me the EWZ
records are at the NARA branch in College Park, MD. I was with my family
and unable to squeeze a side trip to College Park. I live in MA less Theban
hour's drive from an NARA branch I Waltham but still look forward
to visiting College Park.
Ken Browne
On Sep 7, 2014 12:14 PM, "Martin Schmidt" <g8orz03 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello SGGEE listserve members,
> In about a week, I will be up in Washington DC for business and hope to
> find the time to visit the National Archives and try to see if I can find
> any of my relations in the EWZ records.
> I'm curious if anyone has advice they might want to share.
> Thanks,
> Martin
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