[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Old German newspapers - in Latvian National Library

Наталья Юдина yudina-62 at inbox.ru
Thu Feb 25 08:20:23 PST 2016

 I offer the list one of the articles from the "Russian" part of this collection ( sorry for the defective  translation)

"Why Mennonites are fleeing from Soviet    Russia? "Segodnya," No. 258 (12.11.1924)

Recently through Latvia from Ukraine to Canada flees a lot of Mennonites and German colonists. The latest arriving batch of the Mennonites reports,    speaking to our employee: We were forced to move to Canada from Ukraine due to intolerable and tragic situation in Ukraine. Unfortunately, a lot of    Mennonite    and German colonists are forced to stay on the ground, as the departure from there is fraught with great difficulties. If not for these obstacles, all the Mennonites and German colonists would have left the Ukraine. The largest number of Mennonites leaving is from    Ekaterinoslav    gubernia, and German colonists -    from Volhynia and Kiev gubernia. Going the first are those who have relatives    in America. 
   Life in Ukraine has become unbearable. Farmers are imposed by    prohibitive taxes, while the prices of agricultural products are low. Many of the farmers, obliged to pay "prodnalog", were forced    to sell their grain    in the autumn, upcoming the winter of starvation. Farmers who failed to pay the taxes on time, are imprisoned. A lot of the damage and losses    were brought in the last and this year by the invasion of field mice.
     Any worship in schoosl is prohibited. All religious buildings were taken over by the government and parishes    are to pay significant    taxes to use them. Anti-religious propaganda is held intensively. “Komsomol” members    are in the first rows for this task. 
  Now Volhynia is homeland    to about 200 thousand German colonists, who moved there over a hundred years ago. In addition to large taxes, public is forced to    make the "donation" on orphans, Red Navy, airforces, etc. The number of unemployed is constantly increasing. For instance, recently in Kiev there were about 40 thousand unemployed. Many of the unemployed therefore go in for looting. E.g., on 27th October a group of unemployed workers stopped the passenger train on the Moscow-Kiev railwayline and robbed all the passengers. A large number of German colonists living in Saratov and Samara gubernia were shot by “Cheka”. Besides this Mennonites’ and German colonists had suffered much from various    gangs. In one of the colonies 104 persons were killed, in the next    - 43, and so on. Many of those who were misled by the propaganda of the Communists and arrived from America to Russia with dollars and household assets, are now coming back to America without communism ideas and without . . . money. The Mennonites and German colonists, relocating to Canada, were forced to sell their agricultural implements and cattle for a pittance. Besides one cannot    find a buyer on farm buildings and the best of them fall into the hands of so-called "volostnoy Soviet".

Mit herzrlichen Grüßen,
Natalia Yudina
(Moskau, Internationaler Verband der deutschen Kultur)
>Четверг, 25 февраля 2016, 9:10 -05:00 от Helen Gillespie <gilleh23 at gmail.com>:
>To the list,
>Following Eduard Kommers' query about the Rigasche Rundschau article on
>mining, I poked around the website and found that the Latvian National
>Library has many digitized German language periodicals/newspapers.  I
>searched for WOLHYNIEN and it spit out 2265 hits in many different
>publications. Obviously some are not going to be of genealogical use, but
>others might give some background on the time and place. Please note that a
>number of the publications are in Fraktur - the old German script.
>Might be worth a browse also for those searching for WARTHEGAU - there were
>4 hits that referred to the Wolhynien Germans who had been moved to
>Warthegau in 1940.
>One issue describes the distress of Wolhynians in 1926 due to the Polish
>Government's changes regarding leased land and land ownership based on
>citizenship.  Probably explains why so many left Wolhynia in these years
>between the world wars.
>*"Deutsche Not in Wolhynien"  (German distress in Wolhynia)*
>https://periodika.lndb.lv/periodika2-viewer/view/index-dev.html?lang=en#panel:pp |issue:/p_003_riru1926s01n149|article:DIVL142|query:Wolhynien%20Wolhynien|issueType:P
>< https://periodika.lndb.lv/periodika2-viewer/view/index-dev.html?lang=en#panel:pp%7Cissue:/p_003_riru1926s01n149%7Carticle:DIVL142%7Cquery:Wolhynien%20Wolhynien%7CissueType:P >
>An article in 1908 on the Rigasche Zeitung talks about the emigration of
>German colonists - sometimes a whole village.
>https://periodika.lndb.lv/periodika2-viewer/view/index-dev.html?lang=en#panel:pp |issue:/p_003_duze1908s01n036|article:DIVL43|query:Wolhynien%20Wolhynien%20Wolhyniens|issueType:P
>< https://periodika.lndb.lv/periodika2-viewer/view/index-dev.html?lang=en#panel:pp%7Cissue:/p_003_duze1908s01n036%7Carticle:DIVL43%7Cquery:Wolhynien%20Wolhynien%20Wolhyniens%7CissueType:P >
>I am also checking out items relating to the 1915 deportation of Wolhynian
>Germans to Siberia, although I expect names will not be listed.  Still the
>subject matter on the routes taken, the numbers involved would be
>interesting.   The search engine does permit searching by decade - noted on
>the left border.
>Some of the titles of the articles are headed "INLAND", which I have
>discovered refers to reports from the "Interior", Latvia falling under the
>Russian Empire, I gather.
>Will also check out "FLÜCHTLINGE" - refugees for both the 1915 and 1940-45
>I will be browsing for a while....
>The Home Page is also avlb in English
>*but *any online books require registration for limited use if the material
>is avlb free on line.  I have not researched in detail if there are costs
>as I was interested only in the newspapers/periodicals.
>Hope some of these sources are useful.....
>Ger-Poland-Volhynia site list
>Ger-Poland-Volhynia at sggee.org

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