[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Publications from the Net

Helen Gillespie gilleh23 at gmail.com
Wed May 25 11:30:05 PDT 2016

To the List,

The websiet Digitales Forum Mittel- & Osteuropa is a joint project of
eastern European countries that are digitizing publications, photos, and
the like for the web. www.difmoe.eu

Some publications are in English, but many items are in various other

1)  If anyone has an interest in the Lodz area of Poland, here is a link to
digitized publications - some on the churches, education, political,
organisations, etc. Unfortunately, all are in German and some in Fraktur
script.  One is even on humour.


Please note that their archive also holds some periodicals and photos, but
found the photo items very slow to load or not at all.  Must be a glitch.

Some of the material relates to other countries in the former
Austro-Hungarian Empire as a whole - so there will be regional stuff that
is not only pertinent to Poland, and Ukraine and Russia but it is worth

2)  Discovered a couple of Almanacs for colonists - - actually called
Kalendar für die deutschen Ansiedler    one for 1894 and another for 1900 -
although directed more at the Wolga region.  Much like a Farmer's Almanac,
it provides info on farming, history of the Russian monarchy, humour,
general facts, weather, shipping and train schedules, biblical stories,
some world news/history of the previous  year - a real compendium of
information for German settlers.   There's also one for children, probably
used as a text in school and Sunday School.  It appears to be an annual
publication as well.




In the 1900 Kalender, an interesting advertisement for ships sailing from
Bremen to America, Africa and Australia!


3)  Also on the Riga digital project (as #2 above) are many postcard images
about Riga    (did you ancestors leave Wolhynia from Riga as my
GGGrandparents did enroute to England and then America?)

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