Kostopol Parish History

The Parish of Kostopol (1936)

The Evangelical population immediately surrounding Kostopol made up over half of the Tutschin Parish. After 1924, Pastor Krusche saw the need to make Kostopol the center of a new parish, and to build a church in the town for this purpose. A combination of poverty and "mistrust" among the parishioners hindered his efforts, but with the help of funding from Poland and from emigrants to the U.S., the church was completed in 1926. The parishioners contributed 1 zloty per Morgen. The Parish of Kostopol came into being in 1936.

Pastor in Kostopol Parish

1924 - 1936 Ernst Waldemar Krusche
1937 - 1939 Jakob Fuhr

Evangelical Congregations in Kostopol Parish

Krucha (Kruchy, Kruhy)
Kupla (Kuplja)
Puchawa (Puchowo, Mariendorf)


KNEIFEL, Eduard: "Die evangelisch-augsburgischen Gemeinden in Polen 1555 - 1939", Selbstverlag des Verfassers, Vierkirchen 1971