[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] the Sezam database in Poland

Robert Radke rradke at telus.net
Tue Nov 27 17:57:05 PST 2001

Hi Dick!  Here's your translation:  There was no mention of fees or hiring a
--Bob Radke

Main Headquarters of the State Archives
Dluga Street 6
PO Box 1005
00-950 Warsaw

Mr. Richard Benert:

In response to your letter concerning information about your forebears,  the
Main Centre for Archival Information sent the following information.  The
archival material is preserved in the archives of the institutions
corresponding to territorial membership.  Vital statistics documents are kept
in the Departments of Civilian Status and after 100 years are transferred to
the state archives.  The village Reczaje lies in territory covered by the
State Archive,Old City of Warsaw, Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki Branch, Kosciuszki
Street 1, 05-100 Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, just as it appeared in the information
contained in the SEZAM database.  As the result of a query we learn that
unfortunately, the vital statistics records of the village of Reczaje are not
kept there.  Most likely the vital statistics documentation yielded to the
destructon arising from the actions of the soldiers of the Second World War.
We suggest that you also turn to the Parish of Saints Jan Chrzciciel and
Wojciech in Poswietne (05-326 Poswietne) to which the village of Reczaje
belonged.  In the case of Twentieth Century documentation, you must turn to
the Department of Civilian Status in Poswietne (Krotka Street 1, 05-326

> A few weeks ago a kind soul (I wish I could remember who) posted news about
> a Polish national archive website and its Sezam database.  I immediately
> did a search for the last village in Poland before my maternal ancestors
> left for Volhynia.  The village was Reczaje (also called Deutsch Reczaje).
> I got an immediate hit in Sezam.  It informed me that some records from
> Reczaje are now in the archives in Nowy Dwor, Mazowiecki.  I then contacted
> the Polish Archives at the "contact us" address given.  After two or three
> weeks, I have received an answer.  I am sending this out for two reasons.
> One, to encourage others to take advantage of this service
> (http://baza.archiwa.gov.pl/sezam) .  And, two, to ask if there are any
> kind souls out there whose knowledge of Polish would enable them to
> translate this note for me, my Polish being nonexistent.  (I had asked
> about the type of records these were likely to be, and about the fees for
> having someone do research for me).
> With many thanks,
> Dick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Iza Mazur <imazur at archiwa.gov.pl>
> To: benovich at montanadsl.net <benovich at montanadsl.net>
> Date: Monday, November 26, 2001 2:04 AM
> Subject: Re: A question about fees...

Main Headquarters


of the State Archives

> >> > ul. Dluga 6, skrytka pocztowa nr 1005

Dluga Street 6, Post Office Box 1005

> >> > 00-950 Warszawa

00-950 Warsaw

> >> > www.archiwa.gov.pl
> >> > znak sprawy: COIA-843-712/2001

Reference number COIA-843-712/2001

> >> > Pan Richard Benert

Mr. Richard Benert

> >> > W odpowiedzi na Pana pismo w sprawie odszukania informacji o

In response to your letter concerning the search for information about

> >> > Pana przodkach, Centralny Osrodek Informacji Archiwalnej przesyla

your forebears, the Main Centre for Archival Information sent

> >> nastepujace informacje. Material archiwalny przechowywany jest w

the following information.  The archival material is preserved in

> archiwach

the archives

> >> instytucjach zgodnie z przynaleznoscia terytorialna. Akta metrykalne

of the institutions corresponding to territorial membership.  Vital
statistics records

> >> przechowywane sa w Urzedach Stanu Cywilnego i po 100 latach przekazywane

are kept in the Departments of Civilian Status and after 100 years are

> >sa
> >
> >> do archiwow panstwowych. Miejscowosc Reczaje lezy na terenie dzialania

to the state archives.  The village Reczaje lies in territory covered by

> >Archiwum Panstwowego m. st. Warszawy, Oddzial w Nowym Dworze Mazowieckim

the State Archive (m. = miasto 'city' ; st. = stare  'old') of Warsaw, Nowy
Dwor Mazowiecki Branch

> >(ul. Kosciuszki 1, 05-100 Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki), tak jak to wynika z

(Kosciuszki Street 1, 05-100 Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki) just as it appeared in

> >informacji zawartych w bazie danych SEZAM. W wyniku kwerendy

the information contained in the SEZAM database.  As the result of a query

> > dowiedzielismy sie, ze, nietety, nie przechowuje sie tam akt metrykalnych

we learn that, unfortunately, the vital statistics records of the village of
Reczaje are not kept there.

> > miejscowosci Reczaje. Prawdopodobnie dokumentacja metrykalne ulegla

Most likely the vital statistics documentation yielded to

> > zniszczeniu w wyniku dzialan wojennych II wojny swiatowej. Sugerujemy

the destruction arising from the actions of the soldiers of the Second World
War.  We suggest

> > tez, zeby zwrocil sie Pan do prafii sw. Jana Chrzciciela i Sw. Wojciecha

that you also turn to the Parish of Saint Jan Chrzciciel and Saint Wojciech

> > w Poswietnem (05-326 Poswietne), do ktorej nalezala miejscowosc Reczaje.

in Poswietne (05-326 Poswietne) to which the village of Reczaje belonged.

> >> > W przypadku dokumentacji XX-wiecznej powinien sie Pan zwrocic do

In the case of Twentieth Century documentation, you must turn to

> >Uzredu Stanu Cywilnego w Poswietnem (ul. Krotka 1, 05-326 Poswietne)

the Department of Civilian Status in Poswietne (Krotka Street 1, 05-326

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