[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Name translations

Irene König kopetzke at gmx.net
Sun Oct 15 14:36:25 PDT 2006

Greg Mason schrieb am 15.10.2006 18:16 Uhr:
> Perhaps some of  
> you can shed some light on some questions that I have, involving the  
> names: Schachtschneider  and/or Schattschneider/Shattschneider  from  
> Congress Poland.

Greg, I too have something in Schattschneider. The one and only 
Professor of Onomastics we have in Germany, Dr. Jürgen Udolph (he holds 
a chair at the University of Leipzig) said the following:

niederdeutsch/niederländisch: "Schacht" ist eine lautmalerische 
Veränderung von "Schaft". Schaftschneider ist einer, der Schäfte für 
Waffen bzw. der Waffen herstellt

Low German / Dutch: "Schacht" is an onomatopoeic modification of 
"Shaft". Schaftschneider was someone who made shafts for arms.


Armed with the word SCHAFTSCHNEIDER I had a look at the German 
Dictionnary of Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm.


1) in älterer sprache verfertiger von holzwaren, nd. schachtsnider

1) antiquated: someone who made wooden articles, Low German Schachtsnider

2) bei den nadlern derjenige, der die schäfte zu den stecknadeln schneidet.

2) Between the Nadlers (guild of craftsmen who made ironware: needles, 
hooks and eyes, knitting needles, chains etc.) the one who would carve 
the shaft for the needles / pins


If you search for Schachtschneider and Schattschneider on Geogen 
http://christoph.stoepel.net/Geogen-localized-en.aspx you will notice 
that (even in 2002) most of people bearing those names are in the 
north(west)ern part of Germany.


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