[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] need Polish translator

Richard Benert benovich at imt.net
Thu Mar 8 16:22:52 PST 2007

GlacierHello all,

Three years ago this month, Gerhard Koenig kindly sent me a copy of a book 
on Germans in Volhynia written in 1933 by a Polish woman, Zofja 
Cichocka-Petrazycja, "Zywiol Niemiecki na Wolyniu."  It has been gathering 
dust on my non-Polish speaking bookshelf since then, and it is high time 
that I find out if anyone now on this listserve knows Polish well enough, 
and has some time and energy, to translate it into English.  It's about 150 
pages long, and many of those are tables of mostly numbers.

Of course there might not be enough of a market to warrant translating the 
whole book.  Would anyone like to translate just portions of it--perhaps for 
the SGGEE Journal (pending approval by Earl Schulz, of course).  Failing 
that, would anyone be willing to translate just a few pages for me 
personally?  I'm mostly concerned with what she says in a few pages about 
World War One.

Dick Benert 

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