[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Jesse and Schultz

Antje Mass antje.mass at web.de
Fri Apr 11 04:10:12 PDT 2003


my name is Antje Mass and I am looking for my ancestors called Jesse and Schultz living in the former Great Easter Poland in the area around Babiak and Sompolno.

Bogumil Jesse (born ca. 1790) married Anna Christina Schilke (born ca. 1794). They must have lived in a village called Korwinie (Grand Duchy of Poznan) - I found a marriage of the daughter Eleonora, born there - before they moved first to Kiejsze and then to Siedliska. They probably had got 11 children. One daughter, Wilhelmine, married Johann Daniel Schultz, born 1811 in Brdow, son of Christoph Schultz and Anna Susanna Pirschel, on February 11, 1839.

Could someone help me to find more information about the Jesse family before they came to Kiejsze and about the birthplace and also about the family of Anna Christina Schilke? Maybe someone else is looking for the same family.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards and a nice weekend,

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