[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] My Apologies to Middle Poland

Robert Norenberg robertnorenberg at yahoo.ca
Sun Apr 2 14:29:23 PDT 2006

I have to tell you about an experience I had recently.
I love to visit web sites and as an eager genealogist
there are many to sample. Well,imagine my delight to
discover a web site devoted solely to Volhynia.I have
been collecting records at the Family History Centre
from Volhynia and lately this place(Volhynia)has been
on my mind a lot.And here, at this web site, were all
these letters people had written. Most of them were
not in English so I stumbled through a few trying to
decipher them as I went along.I started to read family
names here and there and it became obvious that people
were looking for clues concerning their families. I
felt at home!I could browse through all these messages
and who knows what I might discover! I have many
unanswered questions about my extended family. What
did happen to so many of them? I could not resist and
quickly wrote a little query about certain family
names.I did not mention Volhynia but made the mistake
of mentioning Poland instead.(Or so I would have to
believe due to a reply I received from someone at the
web site.)Basically I was told this web site wasn't
for me because my family was from Middle Poland and
not Volhynia.This is actually incorrect as eight of my
g.g. grandparents resided in western Volhynia.Their
children,grandchildren and great grandchildren lived
there as well.But,even if I was "only from Middle
Poland",so what!I was taken aback by this remark. I
understand this is a web site devoted solely to
Volhynia. But please take care, this is not the way to
express a greeting to people who visit your web site. 

                             Regards Robert Norenberg  

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