[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Ger-Poland-Volhynia Digest, Vol 35, Issue 1

Jerry Frank FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca
Sun Apr 2 06:05:01 PDT 2006

At 12:21 AM 02/04/2006, HorstRenz at aol.com wrote:
>In researching the Rozyszcze Parish records from the 19th century, one  finds
>that the language and script changes around 1891 from the german
>Altdeutscher Schrift to Russian cyrillic script.  Do the dates 
>recorded in  these records
>also change at that time from Gregorian to Julian calendar??   That is,
>before 1891, did the Lutheran Church records record  BMD 
>dates  using the western
>calendar in Volhynia,even though it was part of the Russian  Empire before

All Volhynian records used the Russian calender regardless of change in script.

When your research turns to Russian Poland, you will usually find 
that the records show both dates, one written above the other.

>Another question--some of my relatives were recorded  as having come to
>Volhynia from Warschau or gouv. Warschau (Warsaw).  I am  sure that 
>it was not
>the city of Warsaw, but small villages in the Warsaw  district.  What was the
>size of the area referred to as Warschau and what  did it encompass 
>in the 19th

You are right.  Most of the Germans in Volhynia were farmers so a 
designation like Warsaw would USUALLY refer to the rural province 
rather than the city.  However, one must not discount the possibility 
of being from the city as there were Lutheran Churches there.  Maps 
of pre1906 districts in Russian Poland are available at 
http://www.pgsa.org/PowiatMapList.pdf with the overview map at 

>And lastly, does anyone know if  there are any Lutheran Church
>records  for Borowe, Kreis Grojec/Pilica from  the time frame 
>@1840-1865 and if so,
>how could I access  them?

A list of Lutheran parishes and records readily available through the 
LDS can be found at 
.  Unfortunately those for Pilica Parish only cover the years 
1839-1843 and 1850-1852.  Additional records are available in Warsaw 
Archives which can be searched at 

Jerry Frank - Calgary, Alberta
FranklySpeaking at shaw.ca  

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