[Ger-Poland-Volhynia] Charlotte ???ke geb. Wendt (1830-1904) | Torun (Stawki)

Krampetz at aol.com Krampetz at aol.com
Sat Nov 21 11:29:09 PST 2015

The subject line, "Charlotte ???ke geb. Wendt (1830-1904) | Toruń  (Stawki)"
   is the title on one photo in a dozen, submitted by Polish  volunteers 
that are
   clearing many Evangelical cemeteries in the Torun  area.   
  This photo was from Stawki, near Torun.
   I've pointed to this website before, - in this  case,  if you're 
   the Wendt surname,  it's a good find.
https://kamiennakamieniu.wordpress.com/2015/11/21/prace-na-cmentarzu-ewangelickim-w-toruniu-stawkach-iv/     In Polish.  Google translate does ok job.
   Tombstone names come up infrequently,  you can  subscribe to their 
   postings to this web site.
Bob Krampetz
Researching: Krampitz, Fehlau, Wollenberg, Malon,   Niewiera 

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